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What if I told you that for a minimum investment of time you could enact a strategy that result in three benefits that will change your life forever?
The three benefits are
- Send up the equivalent of a giant flashing neon sign above you or your (new or established) that shouts, 'Do business with this person! They know what they are talking about!'
- Point new business toward your company, fill your pipeline with prequalified prospects, and open up lucrative speaking, coaching or consulting projects (if you want them).
- Make your mom proud and your friends green with envy.
What one strategy could do all that you ask?
Related: 5 Reasons Why You Should Write a Book
a legitimate book published by a real, known publisher. The kind of publisher who pays you for the honor of your book, and who has a team of experts already proven and aligned, ready to help you.
- Maybe you flunked English class....not a problem. Write a book anyway.
- Maybe you don't have a moment to breathe, much less write a book...not a problem. Write a book anyway.
- Maybe you have it on your 'someday' list...not a problem. The time to write a book is now.
Now here's the hack:You don't have to write the whole book to sell it. In fact, you shouldn't.
The number one thing most people who want to write nonfiction don't realize is this: nonfiction books are sold based on what is called a '.' Abook proposal is a specific, carefully crafted short document that helps the publisher understand what you want to write and how you will help them market your book once it is released. For tips on how to write a good proposal, sign up for my webinar by clicking here.

Related: A Simple 4-Step Process for Writing Your First Book in 100 Days
Think of it this way: A book proposal is to the publishing industry what a business plan is to a venture capitalist. It's a way to assess whether or not there is money to be made from the investment being offered.
How To Make Money Fast Real Life Online
All you need to sell a book is a book proposal. You can easily find qualified people to help you write one, or come to our free live online program to learn the basics. Once you know the structure and psychology behind the five major sections of a proposal, you'll find it remarkably easy to start on yours.
Once the proposal is written, you find yourself a . We're everywhere! Do a simple search for the kind of book you're writing and append the words 'literary agent'. For example 'Sales Book Literary Agent'. Most agents will then polish up your proposal a bit and then we show it to the editors at the most appropriate publishing houses. The editors discuss your proposal with their colleagues and usually, several different publishers come back with an offer to publish. That offer includes a sum of money that you will be paid 'in advance' of future earnings from your book. The agent gets 15 percent and you keep 85 percent.
Related: 5 Truths to Contemplate Before You Start Writing Your Book
Next, you and your collaborator, editor, or ghostwriter, if you're using someone else to help you out, write the book in the next nine to 12 months. You then make sure you've built the marketing systems to ensure that all leads generated by your book get filtered right into your company...and onto your bank account. That's it. Poof! You're famous.

How To Make Money Fast Real Life In Roblox
Your book is the single greatest, longest-lasting, business growth tool you will ever create. Done right, it will go on generating leads for many years to come. Your reputation will be firmly established and your credibility will be impeccable. Writing a book is the best life hack for -- whether you are just starting out or have an established company that could use a rocket booster.