Are Apps That Earn Money Ok

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Mobile platforms successfully solve user problems and serve as a source of profit for their owners. But the question is: how effective is such a source? Is the game worth the candle? We answer: yes, you can earn money from your app, but only with the right approach to monetizing it. This is what we’re going to discuss in our article.

The topic is really burning and relevant, in the end, the mobile market is actively developing, which leads to average app revenue growth. And we won’t be unfounded: according to statistics, users had parted with a great deal of money (more than 120 billion dollars) in 2019, and they spent this money on various kinds of applications. Isn't it impressive?

Let's add a couple more statistics: the approximate mobile app revenue (which applies to revenue from AppStore and Google Play) has recently grown by 130%, while revenues from In-App Advertising — by 60%.

The numbers are really inspiring! But what should you do to join those lucky ones who earn money from mobile app development? In other words, what is the best way to monetize apps?

These questions are too complicated to answer them briefly. So, let's discuss (in detail!) key app monetization strategies.

Mobile app earning potential

Apple fans, never fear—there are also iPhone apps that earn money so your spare time can pay off, too! There are plenty of apps that earn money by watching videos. With very little effort on your part, you can earn money in your downtime by downloading the apps linked here. This list of 101 money making apps will explain in detail 101 different ways to make money from your phone. These money making apps pay you for completing the following: watching videos, taking surveys, completing short tasks, investing, working out, shopping online, mystery shopping.

Every owner of a mobile app wants it to bring him (or her) the maximum profit. Using a mobile app seems to be one of the simplest ways to benefit… But is it really true? Let's examine the statistics…

  • Average mobile app revenue varies from $5,000 to $6,000 depending on the platform used;

  • North America is the leader in monthly revenue per app ($9.400) and in the downloads volume (over 1000 per month)

So, the more successful the selected application, the higher the mobile app profits. And what application type do you need to choose, what will have the highest demand? The answer to the specified question will allow earning money on mobile apps without extra difficulties.

The most topical mobile applications

Creating an app has become a business but not every startup becomes profitable. Success and fails in app’s building can be provided by many factors, and one of them is the right choice of the category of your future mobile program.

  1. Games and entertainment.The highest priority belongs to a category of entertainment (mostly games). There are several reasons explaining such popularity. First of all, various games and other entertainment applications are a great way to brighten up the time and get rid of boredom. On the other hand, entertainment gives us a dose of positive emotions which people need today more than ever. And, of course, we cannot ignore the gambling factor. Therefore, users are willing to download these programs.

  2. M-commerce. The second place in terms of profitability is occupied by purchases in mobile stores, which had grown by 30% in the United States last year.

  3. Messengers. Viber, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Snapchat, and other similar instant messaging programs are very popular, and their owners get a good profit.

Although these figures don’t mean other mobile services are hopeless. Not at all! We've just put the case of the most promising categories with maximal mobile app profits. Utilities, Education and Lifestyle categories are also profitable and popular. In fact, every program has a certain cellular app earning potential. You just need to find the right approach to monetization methods.

Monetization strategies

Hopefully, now you believe that you’re able to make a profit from apps. But how to do it, what are the options?

There is no the only answer because monetization schemes of mobile applications have been changing along with the rapid app market growth. Earning strategies are totally different, and there is no perfect business model, it doesn’t exist, at least - yet. Nevertheless, you can (and should!) find your unique way which best suits your personal needs.

First of all, you should be aware that there is a free and paid app market, and each one requires its own approach. But, of course, the most interesting thing is to learn how to make money when your app is free. So, for a start, we'll focus on the mentioned issue by discussing a few free app monetization strategies.

Free apps with in-app purchases

It’s a very popular way to make the app earn you money, which encourages users to conclude purchases right inside the program, in the process of its use. Moreover, purchases can be both real and virtual.

And although the revenue from in-app purchases is sometimes quite large, you need to remember that the majority of trading platforms take a large percentage of the profits (up to 30-40%). In addition, you should provide additional protection to prevent accidental purchases in the application (which sometimes happens, leading to user dissatisfaction).

This popular method of monetization is especially easy to implement when it comes to games. You may come up with heaps of awesome in-app shopping ideas! How about these ones?

  1. Boosters that include different types of help: tooltips, rescue, pills, reminders, etc. These paid options are designed to help users pass challenging levels and obstacles more quickly. Of course, customers must perceive these options as an aid, not a way of your monetization. That’s why some boosters should be provided without payment (like a reward for completing the level or something of the sort). Trial boosters kindle the user's interest and allow him to experience all their benefits.

  2. Exclusive content.You can offer users optional, but valuable game elements, such as rare bonuses, disposable pills, special weapons... Buying them, the user gets access to additional features, and you earn some more money.

  3. The quantitative indicators. Offer your player to purchase a level life, new stamina, a boost... It's a quite simple way to enhance the average mobile app revenue.

  4. Decorative elements of the characters (costumes, accessories, toys, jewelry, tuning for cars, virtual money and more). Think of interesting decorative elements, offer them to the right audience - and make a profit!

Lite and Pro apps

Also, you can make money with a free app using Lite and Pro versions.

The whole scheme is rather simple: you offer people to test the free version of your app, trying to convince them to obtain even more fun by taking advantage of a full-fledged program. Say, your customers download the free demo version of the game and enjoy it until the point with artificial limitations, like the number of game levels, de-emphasized functionality, etc. And these limitations can be removed when purchasing a premium account.

To explain the method by example, let's take a look at Tinder, a well-known dating web and mobile resource. It’s undoubtedly an excellent instance of a money making app.

First, the user loads the base program and actively taking advantage of it. Over time, he realizes he'd get even more opportunities to expand his social circle if he removes certain limitations by acquiring Tinder Plus or Tinder Gold. And if Tinder managed to captivate the user with default features and convinced him that his life would be even better with advanced functionality, he'll be willing to buy the subscription.

The most common options of Lite and Pro versions:

  • Freemium. The freemium model provides access to the basic app features but requires payment in order to get full functionality. The success of Freemium applications depends on the number of users who are loyal and ready to spend money on expanding the functionality.

  • Subscriptions.The situation is similar to the previous one, but the focus is on the content (access to more diverse content per subscription). But remember, customers won't see the motivation to buy the subscription if the content is being poorly updated.

  • Free app with exclusive paid features. So, a user should pay for in-app features (if he wants to enjoy them). Say, when using Skype or Viber, a person’s allowed to chat with other app users without payment. However, in order to make calls to mobile or landline phones, he'll have to replenish the account.

Among the apps which make use of these monetization strategies, there are Angry Birds, Cut the Rope, Angry Birds Space HD, Fruit Ninja… These games have received the title of best selling in AppStore.

In-App Advertising

This is one of the most profitable app revenue models. But remember: no annoying ads, otherwise, the user will delete your program.

A few tips which may come in handy:

  • The proper advertising channel.Researches show that revenue from mobile in-app advertising has grown by 1.6 times over the last few years, having surpassed both mobile and desktop browser-based advertising. So it's very important to choose the right ad channel for your app.

  • The advertising content.Your application should show only the ads relevant to users. We advise you not to act at random, but to carry out preliminary marketing research of user preferences.

Advertising options:

  1. Native advertisingwhich is organically placed in the application and adapts to its design and context.

  2. Push Notifications. Such a type of advertising has high conversion rates because you cannot accidentally click on the ad.

  3. Pop-up advertising. Ads are displayed in a dialog inside the app, offering the user a small call-to-action and OK and Cancel buttons.

  4. Video Embed. Quality videos are being shown inside the application. Usually, the server shows these ads to the users with a wi-fi connection which gives them the opportunity to watch the video without stopping from beginning to end.

Data monetization


Making money creating apps may be implemented in different ways, and the monetization of data is one of them.

There are different legal and quite profitable ways of selling information about a user (which you undoubtedly collect). In addition, user data can be used to influence non-mobile business options, as well as to accelerate the promotion of services to existing customers.

White - labeling

Imagine: you want to build some kind of application but you understand that such a process is tedious and expensive. And it'd be much cheaper to buy the finished structure of the program and create a unique design - stick your label, so to speak (instead of creating a mobile service from scratch). The revenue developers make this way (or the owner of the code, which isn't the same), is sometimes very high.


It’s a rather original way to earn money from your app, which is suitable if a mobile program is based on the blockchain protocol.

For example, the Steepshot application pays cryptocurrency to users when they 'like' the videos, images, and so on. The main part of tokens goes to content producers - those who publish photos and videos. The received funds can be cashed through the exchanges and transferred to the card.

And the app owners receive a commission from each payment to the user.


In such a case, free apps make money by showing the offers from the sponsor: if the user reaches a goal which has been set, he gets a discount from the sponsor. And the owner of the program, in turn, receives his intermediary percentage. A vivid example is the RunKeeper fitness app. Users are invited to perform certain actions to obtain gifts and discounts from brands.

Such an option of earning money on mobile apps ensures a high level of user involvement, although it's not always easy to find sponsors with a similar target audience.

Free apps in trial version

Another popular way to get revenue from free apps is to provide access to all features for a certain trial period (usually from 7 to 30 days). After studying the application capabilities, the user is obliged to pay or delete the program. And your main task during the trial-use is to convince the person your service is worth the money.

Paid applications

We've discussed main revenue models for free apps but there is a more direct method of earning: make an app paid. Such a method is extremely simple, however, its main drawback is the need to convince the user he must spend money on downloading a service which is completely unknown to him.

Despite the risk, more than 25% of downloaded applications are paid, so you cannot just ignore such a monetization option. Just make sure your app is of the highest quality. Otherwise, you may disappoint those users who still dare to buy your program.

Summing up, we should say: the monetization process is influenced by many factors: the app quality and functionality, visual support (design), the correct choice of the target audience, analysis of market needs, and more. And the creation of monetization strategies is also included in the list.

And, most importantly, everything is constantly evolving, technologies are developing, and what seems to be the most popular free app revenue stream today may be the wrong choice tomorrow. So go with the tides and update your program from time to time.

Some useful tips

Finally, we’re going to give you a couple of useful tips summoned to improve the average app revenue:

  • Think of a strategy. It’s very important to determine the monetization strategy before development starts. It’s too late to think about the best way to make money with a free app after the project has been completed.

  • Combine several monetization methods. Don't be limited to one way to monetize apps. You may create a freemium model and connect the advertising block. The paid version will be ad-free and with additional functionality.

  • Pay attention to factors increasing user retention:

  • Discounts. This is a classic marketing tool useful in all types of activities. Among other things, such a method will help raise the average app revenue. People love discounts, even imaginary ones! Discounts can be timed to holidays, to the first purchase inside the app, etc. The only limit is your own imagination.

  • Social options involving gifts to users, the exchange of boosters, etc. It's not a very popular method of monetization, and app owners often ignore it. However, social options could be a very effective way of earning money. So don’t neglect such a monetization approach immediately, think about it carefully.

  • Time events (such as daily quests and bonuses) are one of the most effective ways to retain the user, make the app earn you money, and increase its virality. Time events include bonuses for performing some actions, and a player is able to receive them daily (after successfully passing the level in a game, as an example). In other words, the gamer not just uses the app every day, but also prolongs the playing session, and it greatly increases the retention rate.

  • Valuable proposal. The application should be interesting and (or) useful to the potential user. To get a foretaste of the idea, take a look at the popular news apps, including Flipboard, BuzzFeed, Zinio, and Pocket: they collect news content from different sources, solve the problem of multiple transitions from one application to another, and allow reading all the interesting news from the single place.

  • Stand out from the crowd.AppStore and Google Play offer users millions of apps. Your task is to stand out from the crowd! There are different methods to draw attention to your program; the easiest one is to use inner resources of App Store and Google Play. Here are a couple of examples of the sort: choosing the right category, receiving positive reviews and ratings, making screenshots which demonstrate what your application promises users to do, etc.

  • New users.Of course, you'll need a large user base for obtaining sufficient mobile app profits. Therefore, you’ll have to actively use all sorts of marketing tools to expand your target audience.

  • Continuous development. The app should engage the users, every day offering them something fresh new. Leading news outlets such as USA Today, CNN and the BBC, involve users by allowing them to generate their own content: they can upload different stories, pictures, and videos and share them with the community. Think of your own “schtick” or take the example of successful companies.

  • User experience.Refrain from monetization schemes of mobile applications, which worsen the user experience. Your task is to make users your allies!

So the main rule: track, analyze, explore, and optimize! Always control your app's effectiveness and improve those areas which need extra attention to keep the users satisfied and engaged. And, of course, follow market trends.


We guess now you know the most profitable app revenue models and ways to make money with a free app. And your new task is to find a competent developer able to consider all the nuances and to avoid pitfalls. We offer our services!

Our company has solid experience in the field of mobile application development. Our experts’ve performed a number of successful projects which you can read about here.

Contact us! We’re open for discussions and ready to advise you in detail. Waiting for your requests!

For more than a decade, I’ve been actively looking for ways to earn money: online, offline, and unconventional means. Getting paid to date is one of the most unconventional ways to make money that I’ve encountered.

The BEST Ways To Make Some Quick Cash
  1. Opinion Outpost - The #1 survey site that doesn't suck. Short surveys, high payouts, simply the best.
  2. Survey Junkie - Test out new products and get paid to answer questions about them! Work with companies like Apple, Nike, and Amazon!
  3. Inbox Dollars - Get paid to check your email. $5 bonus just for signing up!
  4. Nielsen - Download their app and get paid $50!

I’m sure this isn’t everyone’s cup of tea.

But if you’re single and would love to eat out for free, receive gifts, and socialize in exchange for cash, then this can be a great, if unusual, opportunity for you to earn side cash.

Let’s take a closer look at this side gig and where you can legally sign up for it.

How can you get paid to go on dates?

The idea behind get-paid-to-date companies is that they take away the trouble of finding a date for important occasions, such as weddings, family reunions, business dinners, and other such events.

With Bumble and other dating apps, you get to meet people, go on several dates, and try to see if there’s a spark before you’d be able to willingly let them meet the people in your life, like your friends and family.


But what if you’re single, need someone to accompany you next weekend, but you’re not currently dating or have no time to socialize?

This is where get-paid-to-date sites shine the brightest.

The rules of finding a date to hire on these sites or apps vary, but the end goal is the same: to find someone who will accompany you to a particular event or even just a meal with all the details and expectations of the date already laid out for both parties to accept or reject.

  • Bidding sites – There are websites that follow a bidding system, where the person “selling” their time goes on a date with the highest bidder.
  • Dating apps – Others look similar to a dating app, except some restrictions have been put in place. For example, all users are required to upload their pictures and personal details, but only paying users can send a message to dates-for-hire.
  • Classified ads – Some companies take a classified ads approach. Those looking for a date post their budget, details of the date (when, what time, etc.) and wait for dates-for-hire to message their interest.
  • Tinder-like – There are even apps that have most of Tinder’s features. The only difference is that the goals of the date-finder are declared upfront, so no one is expecting to find their soulmate or their future spouse.

Others may have different approaches, but they mostly have these in common:

  • Fees: Most of these companies take a percentage of the membership fees to maintain the platform.
  • Not illegal: Many of these get-paid-to-date websites clarify that they are NOT an escort service.
  • Physical contact not required: You’ll read on all of these platforms that sex or any physical contact is not required during the date. In fact, these websites encourage users to report any user who propositions another person for sex.

What to Expect on the Date

The “date” can be anything from attending concerts to going to the beach, or just sitting down one afternoon in a coffee shop.

There are tourists who look for dates locally, so they can check out hot spots and eat out at local restaurants without having to worry about sightseeing alone or not knowing the local language.

In some cases, the date could mean something more formal, such as business dinners, awards night, galas, and so on.

The good thing about these get-paid-to-date sites is that they require paying members looking for people to hire to indicate as many details about the date as possible. This goes beyond the basics (such as date, time, location, what kind of event).

Listing down all the expectations they have for the date is important since the dates-for-hire rely on these details when deciding to go on that particular date or not.

How Much Can You Get Paid to Go on Dates?

Paid daters can earn anywhere from $50 to $500 per date. You will be paid cash either before or after the date. Payment details are one of the essential pieces of information you’re given before accepting a date.

Most websites don’t have limits on the number of dates you accept, which means you can commit to as many or as few dates as you want.

Of course, this industry is totally about physical appearances. How much a person for-hire earns will directly depend on how attractive he/she is.

Pull in some extra cash in the meantime…

While you’re waiting for the dates to line up, check out some of these sites that will pay you to be an influencer:

  1. Opinion Outpost - Answer questions about products, shape the future, get paid. Sign up and get a free cash bonus.
  2. Toluna Influencers - Work directly with companies like Nike, Samsung, Amazon, and Disney to improve their product lines.
  3. SurveyJunkie - Get paid CASH to share your thoughts on some of the world's biggest brands.

4 Things You Should Know

Are Apps That Earn Money Ok
  1. The majority of those who are successful are good-looking women and men who are non-traditional and are perfectly OK with getting paid to date.
  2. Those with looks stunning enough to attract more people can make over $1,000 a week doing this full time.
  3. While many of these get-paid-to-date services claim that you can get paid to date rich men and women, there are more older, financially stable men looking for women than rich, powerful women seeking men as dates.
  4. There are no rules that ban you from going on a second date with another person outside of these sites, although that would be at your own risk.

11 Get Paid to Date Websites and Apps

Here are some of the most popular websites and apps that allow you to earn money from dating:

  1. WhatsYourPrice – This one is an auction/bidding site where women advertise their profiles and men bid on whoever they want to go on a first date with. It claims that bidders can “meet attractive people who otherwise may have been out of your league” while advertisers can “get reimbursed for the time and effort it takes to prepare for a date.”
  2. Ohlala – Dubs itself “the dating app designed to empower female users” mainly because, in contrast to other similar sites, the women choose date requests listed by paying male members.
  3. ProDate – To get paid to date on this website, you set up your profile, browse through requests, and choose the one you want to date. More importantly, you set the price and you get to keep 100% of your fee.
  4. RentAFriend – Dating doesn’t always have to imply something romantic. RentAFriend focuses on platonic relationships and just hanging out. They even offer “virtual friend services” where you can hire someone to hang out with you virtually on platforms such as Facetime and Zoom.
  5. Rent a Date – This website focuses primarily on its members’ looks and provides a platform for those in need of a date. Unlike the other sites in this list, Rent a Date actually hires people, so you’d be applying for work via their website and completing an interview before you can begin dating.
  6. My Bunny Date – Create an account as a “Gorgeous Member” for the opportunity to get paid to date other “Generous Members” for a mutually agreed-upon price before the date begins. My Bunny Date will also donate to charity on the Generous Members’ behalf, so you’ll actually dating for a good cause, too.
  7. Price Point Date – This is another dating auction site similar to WhatsYourPrice and My Bunny Date, allowing successful men a chance to meet and connect with attractive women.
  8. MissTravel – This site is focused solely on pairing up potential partners to take vacations together and travel the world. These dates are a little more extreme than your average meetup for coffee.
  9. TourBar – This site is for travelers to meet local singles to show you around town and experience it as a local would. It’s like having a dating app and a local guide in one.
  10. Rent a Gent – In contrast to the other sites on this list, this is a proudly woman-owned and operated website where ladies can book a Gent that has been pre-screened by an all-female panel.
  11. Phrendly – You can get paid to date virtually now, too: Phrendly provides a platform for socially distanced dating through phone, chat, or video calls.

Dating Safety Tips

Like any kind of dating these days, there is a risk of danger with making money dating other people. This goes for both men and women.

Here are some safety tips when meeting someone you’ve encountered through one of these sites.

Protect your real-life identity. Set up a username that doesn’t have your full name in it, don’t use photos from your social media, never give out your actual phone number (use a burner phone if you must), be purposefully vague about where you live (especially when you live alone), and never give them your financial information or send money electronically.

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Do a video call at least once before you meet them in person. Avoid being catfished. Take precautions to not reveal your location or any identifiable information about you in the background of your video.

Meet them in public. Never meet them in their car, a parking lot, a motel, or anywhere secluded where you can’t escape quickly. Make sure someone else always knows where you are and who you’re meeting.

Never accept a ride home from them. Take or rent your own car, ride public transportation, have a friend pick you up, or use a rideshare app. Always have a way to get home by yourself.

Follow your gut. At any time during your conversations or date, if you feel uncomfortable for any reason, walk away. Don’t feel pressured to be “nice” and carry on conversations or continue contact with someone you have a bad feeling about. It just might save your life.

The Bottom Line

WhatsYourPrice spokesperson Heather Ebert described their service as follows: “By attaching a monetary value to a date, singles tend to take dating more seriously. Our members are able to cut through the noise and avoid an endless cycle of messaging so they can get straight to the date.”

Are Apps That Earn Money Okay

It would’ve been a perfect justification for making money dating, but what I personally find not OK is how this industry highlights our society’s obsession with good looks (over personality).

That said, if you’re still interested in dating men or women for cash, the websites above are your best bet.

If you’re not interested in dating as a way to earn extra cash, but need a side gig, you could always get paid to eat and if you’ve completely sworn off ever leaving your couch, you can make money watching movies instead.

Would you consider getting paid to date? Or have you tried it before (paying or getting paid to date)? Why or why not? Share your thoughts with us in the comments!

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