Earn Money Online Tutorial 2017

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Again, I made sure that what I was writing about, I was also passionate about. My thing was helping people to make money online / start their own blog. There’s so much I can write about and endless affiliate programs I can sign up to in order to monetize the traffic. I didn’t see any money come in for a good 18 months.

Frequently Asked Questions Last Update 2017-02-25

What is Rapidworkers site all about?

Rapidworkers is about connecting people who need something done fast at low costs (Employers) with users who want to help
and have a chance to make some quick money.(Workers).

One account per user only

You can be an Employer or a Worker with the same account you are allowed to only create and use
one account. Users with more accounts will be banned from our system and their money will be lost!

Accepting a job

Workers should only accept jobs they are capable of finishing.
If you think you cannot deliver the job or cant read english, don't do it! Accepting a job and submitting a false proof will raise flags that will lead to account termination if it occurs regulary.

Campaign Countries

Workers should only accept jobs from the countries that is specify in each campaign.
International mean evrybody can do it.But if a campaign is specify for USA workers only! dont touch it if your not from that countries or it
will raise flags from employers that will lead to account termination.

I'm a Rapidworker... How do I get paid?

Workers get paid when their Employer rates the task submitted as 'satisfied'. When a Worker logs into their account, they can check the status of various tasks they have submitted. If a task is marked 'not satisfied' by the Employer, you (the Rapidworker) will not get paid. If a task is marked 'satisfied' you will get paid. Workers can withdraw earned money through PayPal , it can takes up to 8 business days to process your payment.

Withdraws are done manually go to the withdraw page for more informations.

What are the fees?

1- Deposit: Paypal fees ( Example 10$ deposit after fees is about 9.31$ )

2- Start a New Campaign $0.75 plus 7% fee

3- Withdraw fees is 6% Paypal

Can i stop my campaign at anytime?

Yes, you can do it by changing the status of it (ask to delete),we will stop it and refund you the money from the undone tasks.

My task is pending review for almost 1 week?

All tasks pending review that are over 6 day old are automaticly moved to satisifed


Campaign :

1- A Campaign must be well described and understandable for all users.

2- When reviewing finished tasks submitted by Workers, Employers should use fair judgement; if submitted task is finished as required, Employer must mark such task as 'satisfied'. If a task did not satisfy requirements, Employer must mark such task as 'not satisfied'.

3- Employers will only pay for tasks that satisfied requirements ('satisfied').

4- You cannot post campaign to promote sites similar to ours..


1- Campaigns could also be referred to as 'jobs'. Every Campaign consist of requirements, how many Workers needed (positions) and amount Workers will earn. When Workers accept a job they will have to submit a proof that they finished this job.

What you cannot ask Workers to do?
Provide bank account details and credit card informations
Exchange money between payment systems and other members on the site
Disclose personal information.

Ask workers to buy a product.

Ask workers to use VPN or other type of masking softwares.

Ask any type of money type ( money, coins, crypto...)

You cannot ask workers to response to your email all proof must be posted in the proof box

You should not promote or ask for any illegal activities.

Campaign approval can take up to 24hrs


  • Minimum Payout is $8

  • Payments are sent via PayPal ONLY
  • Payments are processed (Maximum 1 week after placing a withdrawal request)
  • Only 1 member per Paypal account
  • Withdraw site fee is 6% for Paypal ( Note that Paypal may take off other fees.)


Workers must follow strict rules or will eventually get banned:

  1. Worker can only create and use 1 account .

  2. Using more than 1 account and accepting same job more than allowed from the employers will result in
    account termination.

  3. Workers should only accept jobs they are capable of finish it. If you think you cannot deliver results, don't accept that
    Accepting a job and submitting a false proof will raise a red flag.and can lead to account termination

  4. We have also implemented automated success rate monitoring. If Workers must maintain certain level of success rate over all times. Too many Not-Satisfied tasks will affect success rate. If the rate goes below 60 %, worker will not be able to submit tasks for certain period of time and withdraw their money.Once worker submits a proof, task will appear in the list 'Tasks I finished'. Tasks not yet rated by Campaign owners (Employers) have a gray icon. Tasks rated with 'satisfied' appear with green icon.

    Tasks rated with 'not satisfied' will display a green icon.

  5. Not allowed to use VPN, Proxies, do not share your account or use public/Hotspot WIFI... workers ips are monitor when doing the tasks
  6. Workers will automatically get paid for tasks rated as 'satisfied'. Money will be deposited into worker's account as soon as Employer rates submitted task.

We take spam & scam very seriously In order to protect Employers we will not tolerate any action or any activity that could harm Employers'

For terminated account you will not be able to withdraw your balance money!

*All 1 year plus inactive accounts will be deleted!


1-All pending reviews tasks that are 6 day old will be push automaticly to satisfied.

2-Tasks that are rated Not Satisifed by Employers will be deleted.

3- If a employer ask to delete a unfinish campaign all unrated task will be put to satisifed automaticly and the remaining unused part will be refunded

4-Employers that rate workers Not Satisifed unfairly will raise flags from workers that will lead to account termination.

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Earn Money Online Tutorial 2017

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Earn Money Online Tutorial 2017 Pdf

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