Scripts To Earn Money Online Without Doing Anything

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Complete easy tasks/CPA/GPT offers to earn money. Tasks/CPA/GPT offers can include almost anything you do online like, signing up on a website, joining and/or following a Facebook group, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, etc.

Scripts To Earn Money Online Without Doing Anything

It can be argued that introverts are like unicorns on a personality spectrum.

In fact, they’re so mysterious to the experts who study them at schools like Harvard and Wellesley, that they’re unable to reach a consensus on black-and-white personality traits of introverts; for example, while some may loathe the phone, others don’t mind it.

Some introverts may be socially anxious, others are not. There are introverts who prefer books to people, and those who don’t.

It can be hard to pin down an introvert, but their beauty lies in their mystery.

One thing is for sure: many introverts feel that there is a correlation between needing alone time because they are an introvert, and them simply not being “people persons.” And there’s nothing wrong with that!

We all need time to ourselves, and if you’re the type of person – like so many of us are – who prefers to work individually,without a boss breathing down your neck, or have to constantly interact with people, then we have found the perfect positions for you!

Remember, when going after what you want, particularly in a job role, there’s no harm in stating what you need.

Employers prefer to know if you’re a “team player” or if you work best alone, so they can know where to place you – no one is going to think you’re weird for wanting to be on your own.

Per usual, Real Ways to Earn Money Online is your go-to guide for finding the perfect remote job for your introverted side – and it’s one that does not involve direct selling, phones, or online tutoring! Think of this as our “Greatest Hits” collection.

Are you actually a people person? If you'd prefer to be interacting with others while you work at home, then you'll want to check out this list of work at home jobs for extroverted people.

Search Engine Evaluation

A search engine evaluator, or “Google rater,” is a unique job position that can yield quite the hefty paycheck -and you can do it all from the comfort of your own home, without talking to anyone!

A search engine evaluator evaluates search engine results to see which keywords and phrases rank the best, or in the most relevant way.

For example, if you Google “World of Coca-Cola,” their website should pop up as the first result, or near the top of the search engine results page.

The reason for this is that those keywords match the result. Other websites, like Wikipedia pages about the history of Coke or online stores selling Coke products, would also be relevant,but should not beat out World of Coke’s own website.

If you had a website pop up as the number one search result that was about Pepsi products, that would certainly not be relevant, and would be the online equivalent of a waiter asking you if Pepsi “was okay” when you very clearly ordered a Coke.

Your job then is to figure out the relevance of the applicable terms. When working for companies that hire search engine evaluators, you may do other minor tasks, but being a Google rater is your main job.

Companies generally pay at or above $13/hour. You won’t have to be on the phone (unless you’re using your smartphone for specific tasks), but you will have to be sure to track your time, so if you can expect interruptions at home (i.e., you have kids or other jobs), then this may not be the best role for you.

However, many folks state that they really enjoy the work, and it sounds perfect for those who prefer to work alone!

Some companies that hire for search evaluation work include Lionbridge and Appen.

Freelance Writing

Writing is definitely a solitary activity – and an extremely joyful one!

Earn Money Online Work From Home

You don’t have to talk to anyone, and can do your work from anywhere, from the comfort of your bed (stay in your pj’s all day!) or in a quaint coffee shop (get hyped on caffeine!).

It can be difficult to find steady work, but the key is finding steady work is to find retained clients; it’s easy to say and hard to do.

Many writers offer blog posts in bundles – say, 10 blogs for x amount per month.

What you want to charge for a retained fee depends on your experience; of course, the more experienced you are, the more you should charge. If you have a large social media following, charge for that as well! Having numbers to back you up is extremely helpful.

You can also check out the following websites for freelance, remote work – you may find some hidden gems!

The trick to finding writing work on craigslist is to look in more affluent areas, like San Francisco – it’s a city steeped in tech, so employers are more likely to be open to hiring freelancers.

It can be difficult to get through to a decision-maker on a job board, but keep trying, and don’t get discouraged. It takes a long time to build up a resume and a following. It’s a marathon, not a sprint, but you can totally win the race!

Some popular companies that almost always need freelance writers include Textbroker and Bustle.


Transcriptionists can make a pretty penny, especially if they’re in a niche field, like medical or legal transcription.

The primary skill for transcription, of course, involves listening – not talking. Which means no talking to other people! However, be forewarned – transcription is not an easy job. Like any other role, it requires training and study to excel in the field.

General transcription is typically more interesting, but medical transcriptionists are always needed; however, it doesn’t seem to be a growing field, so bear that in mind.

To be good at transcription you must, of course, be good at typing, grammar, spelling, punctuation, have a good ear, be able to sit for a long period of time – the list goes on and on.

It also helps to be at least familiar with transcriptionist’s notations – that’s where your training comes in! Learn how to market yourself and your services.

You may have to use some people skills – but don’t let that stop you! Advertising your availability is another way to find work, but won't be necessary once you build up an impressive client base.

Some companies that regularly need transcribers include TranscribeMe and VerbalInk.


We all are well-aware by now that blogging can be quite lucrative – and it involves little interaction with other folks, unless you are doing an interview, photoshoot, or emailing back-and-forth about affiliate marketing posts. This all, of course, depends on the type of blog you have.

Blogging is writing, and you should blog/write about what you know. However, don’t despair if “what you know” means woodcarving – you can still get affiliate marketing posts out of woodcarving!

The way affiliate marketing works is that you create one blog or social media post for another company, which is basically an advertisement.

Once it goes live, you start getting paid (if you haven’t already secured some kind of contract with a deposit with your new client – and you should!) – and you can still make money years later from that one post.

Taking a course in learning about affiliate marketing is extremely helpful, so you can learn how to be efficient in your marketing tactics.

Voiceover Work

If you’ve got a voice for radio, then these days, that could mean you have a voice for voiceover work!

While it certainly helps if you have an acting background, you don’t necessarily have to be an actor to be able to do the job. Keep in mind that you will have to do multiple voices for different characters, particularly if you’re diving into audiobook narration.

It’s a nice solo acting gig – one in which you don’t have to interact with other actors!

As with these other positions, make sure you practice before fully committing. You want to be sure that you can create a variety of characters.

Watch Saturday Night Live and cartoons, and see how the pros do it!

Taking acting lessons or voice lessons is also a great idea. And don’t forget the equipment – you’ll need a good voiceover microphone, studio headphones, a laptop or PC. These are just a few pieces of vital equipment that you’ll probably need before starting your new career.

You can do voiceover work for sites like Filmless and

Selling Your Goods on eBay

Scripts To Earn Money Online Without Doing Anything

Becoming an eBay seller isn’t easy, but it isn't as difficult as it may seem. There are a lot of steps to the process, but it can be ultimately worth it, as you can make a living on eBay without much interaction with others (except for your customers, of course).

It helps if you’re a vintage collector or have a specialty niche of collectibles, like PreciousMoments figurines, for example.

The best advice we could probably give for selling on eBay is to use fixed prices rather than an auction. Because if you don’t, your customers can easily find your item somewhere else, and also, it’s just easier to make money this way.

Earn Money Online Playing Games

Be sure to research every item you list before selling so that you know you’re charging a competitive price.

Whether you choose to have as little interaction with other people as possible, or whether you’re kind-of-okay-with-it, we get it.

One of the best parts about working from home is being on your own, existing as the magical introverted unicorn that you are without any interference from the outside world.

Working a regular 9 – 5 around the same people day after day can get even the most outgoing, extroverted person down, so it’s no wonder that so many people are working remotely now more than ever.

What home-based, people-free jobs have you found that you love? Let us know in the comments!

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