Life Got Real Today A Money Reality Check Answers

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  1. Life Got Real Today A Money Reality Check Answers 2020
  2. Life Got Real Today A Money Reality Check Answers Questions

Reality: he was a bankrupt living pension to pension, unable to save any money with nowhere to live, no possessions, only had one old bag with a few items of clothing, an old towel and a toothbrush – all his wordly possessions ( after moving out from his ex he had nowhere to stay, nobody wanted to tak him home and he got rid of all his things). As of 2021, Ryan Beard’s net worth is $100,000 - $1M. Ryan Beard (born September 29, 1997) is famous for being reality star. He currently resides in Olathe, Kansas, USA. America’s Got Talent personality who showcased his singing/pianist comedy act on the 11th season of the NBC reality competition series. Source of Money.

on March 30, 2020The Mush Bowl . No Specific Topic From The Night Before

March 29, 2020 1030 ish, Question of the tomorrow: What are some ideas for the questions of tomorrow moving forward?

March 30, 2020, 0852 AM, I chose not to journal on last night’s question. A reality check made me have a need to release this morning and you are about to see why.

I wasn’t able to get right down and start journaling this morning. I go to work and immediately was hit with and issue that needed attention right away. That is not unusual, especially on a Monday.

The difference this time is that it wasn’t directly related to HVAC work in the building or another general building issue. It was something to do with me and my ability to keep working at the place I am working.

*Boom* Reality check! I can’t believe all the negative things that went through my mind all at once. Quite frankly they still are. I am trying to force my thought process to a positive influence, not very easy right now.

Step back a minute. This has overtaken my need to journal about a question I had last night. Quite frankly, I didn’t like my topic anyways. I have been having trouble as of late coming up with the questions. I think I am too worried about what gets put out to the public, subconsciously worried that is because this is a big step for me. I am usually pretty private.

So, my need right now is to pivot with my topic so that I can set this reality check to it’s the proper place. I can hopefully learn from it. Grow from it and possibly come out a better person because of this so-called reality check.

Let us dive into this reality check a little more to help me understand it and move forward with a better mindset

Instantly my mind started racing about what am I going to do if I cannot work here. I’ve had myself fooled that I could find a job in an instant if something happened. After all, I am a seasoned tech in the senior part of his career. Surely I would be of use somewhere and normally that is true.

The reality check popped up one huge looming issue. There is a pandemic going on right now! COVID 19! Stuff is closing down and I am lucky to be able to be in a place that has semi-controlled safety measures in place and can still work for a paycheck on a daily basis, in a pretty safe environment.


I have been pursuing FI (financial independence) lately. The very early stages to say the least. It is pretty new to me still. As I have written before, I was pretty financially stupid and I can see that now. Admitting it is half the battle, right?

I can instantly see that I need to do better and do it quicker to feel safe. I like to be prepared and I have been struggling with that since my divorce four years ago. I also say that was a reality check in a big way and I have become a better person because of that hardship and life lessons that I got from it.

The lessons learned from the divorce reality check

I am one who will try to step aside from myself and look at the whole picture. I don’t know why, but I have always tried to assess bad situations that involve me and see if it was my fault or mistakes that caused whatever the problem at hand. It just may take a day or two until I calm down enough to do it, depending on the issue and if there was hurt and anger involved.

I have a very analytical mind and I like to find answers to things. Yes, even if the answer is something I don’t like. I do my best anyways. So a reality check causes me to go into self-diagnosis mode. It doesn’t mean I always take action on what I learn though, enter the procrastination I write about often.


Like this: Reality check happens > I start thinking, “what DID I do to cause this or to deserve this?” Actually, I should be thinking: “What CAN I do to make this better or fix this issue so it never happens again?”

Rewording a question can often change the connotation of that question

Often times just rewording the way you question yourself can set your mind up to work for you not against you. I have just recently learned this and it is wonderful.

I have met several others in the world that could use this process. No judgment, just facts. I guess I always kind of knew this but I didn’t KNOW this or practice it regularly. If there is someone that likes to b*tch it’s this guy typing right now. Also working on that issue to…slow process, Lol.

So with the divorce, I probably went through all the typical same things everyone does when they don’t expect it or see it coming. Things like blaming myself, asking what I could have done differently? Asking myself what I did to cause this? Or why didn’t I change something or myself earlier to prevent this?

Pfft! That is a load of negative mindset sh*t! I learned that, but it took me being by myself for a long time and learning who I am and knowing that I was not happy in my past relationship.

Man does that make a big ol’ difference in your life and self-image. When you stop worrying so much what others think about you.when you do something you like or stop doing something that THEY liked about you because you don’t like it. Freeing! Very freeing. You might lose some friends or they won’t be as close, but not a big deal. Life moves on.

Learning to like myself…

for who I am and learning to like being with myself, by myself has helped me tremendously. I need that time with myself now. I am pretty much not worried about what my likes or dislikes do to others’ opinions of me.

Of course, there are a few special people that this matters to me, I am not talking about being mean about it though. I do care. I am just not worried. It makes sense to me.

I can’t really figure out how to make it translate into writing. I am talking just about interests that others may think are weird, but who cares. I still work on this issue but I am way better and I try just to be myself. Trying to be “real” as they say.

Being “real” allows you to attract people to you that can make a huge difference in your happiness and well being. In other words, the right people for you.

It is refreshing being able to be yourself. I am getting better at that. Of course, I am like everyone else and have a bit of worry about fitting in whether going here or doing this and that and the other thing. You know. I can get over it.

Essentially, “they” say be yourself and the right people will be attracted to you. I hope that’s true, so far it has worked out fantastic for my love life.

Back to the reality check of the day and “f*ck you money”

Today’s journaling is helping me work through this issue now. The biggest issue I am facing is, I shouldn’t be in a spot where one instant job loss causes me so much stress. I need what they call “f*ck you money”.

“Fuck you money” is a term used in the FI community. It essentially stands for an amount of money in one’s possession that enables them the freedom of walking away from situations not wanted. For instance, at work or a job that is not appreciated or liked.

Example: Boss says, “Hey you, go scrub that disgusting toilet.” The problem is you are an accountant and that’s not your job but your boss says you are getting paid, so do it anyway. If you had “fuck you money” you could tell him….bye. Lol, or the other words that probably came to mind.

Basically, the situation that happened today. The aforementioned reality check is in the process of getting cleared up right now as I write this. I still feel like it was an important lesson for me. Now I need to learn from it, get an emergency plan in place and track that plan, along with a “fuck you money” account.

I am sure I will write on this more later. This goes back to my posts on planning and having a tracking plan. All the stuff I am learning on the fly and haven’t implemented yet. Bear with me, it’s coming. I am a masterpiece in the very early stages of the work, Lol. As we all are.

I need to take action on SOME of the stuff I learn and write about. Not all of it, especially not all at once. This blog is just a peek into my thoughts and wonderments. I hope you remember that it is a way for me to work through my thoughts. Period.

The following JL Collins video is for your entertainment and follows right along on topic. Warning, curse words all throughout this video, do not watch if offended by strong language.

Lol, good stuff! Pretty good advice too.

Now for a serious interview from JL Collins on The Mad FIentist podcast.

Life Got Real Today A Money Reality Check Answers 2020


Have a blessed day, look out for your neighbors through these trying times. Wash your damn hands!


Life Got Real Today A Money Reality Check Answers Questions

JL Collins Blog Post “Why you need F-you money” >HERE

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