How To Get The Most Money In Casino Heist

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For years, GTA fans have been wondering whether they would be able to kick open the doors on the Casino that sits by the racetrack in North Vinewood. And then in July 2019, Rockstar Games made it a reality! Players could break in and steal the GTA 5 Diamond Casino Heist Diamonds in GTA Online.

The Diamond Casino Heist has been in the news before, for hosting one of the most mind-bending storylines in GTA Online. Contrary to common belief, grabbing a fortune of loot while everyone else.

But that's the story of more than a year ago. GTA Online players now can not acquire diamonds as loots from the Diamond Casino and Resort heist anymore. Let's go into details about what happened to the GTA 5 Diamond Casino Heist Diamonds.

Table of Contents

  • How much money do you get from casino heist. How much money do you make off the casino heist. According to Reddit, the maximum Diamond Casino Heist payout is GTA $2.1 millionThe GTA Casino Heist payout is $2.1m, but Diamonds are back meaning you how much money do you get for the casino heist and your team can earn more in diamonds than your usual cash overhaul 1 The Diamond Casino Heist.
  • The full video showing you how to get the most money will be up tomorrow. From beginning to end I will show you how to get the most money and how to save mos.

First Introduction of GTA 5 Diamond Casino Heist Diamonds

Back in December 2019, Rockstar Games made players' dreams come true by announcing the Diamond Casino & Resort Heist. It was a very lucrative opportunity for GTA 5 players to capitalize on.

When completing the Heist, players would bring home a $2.1 million cash reward. But things changed in Valentine’s Day update on February 13, 2020. The devs added millions of dollars worth of diamonds as a reward in the Casino Heist.

The game’s developers have been very active in refreshing their titles on a weekly basis. They provide constant updates, changing the payouts, adding fresh vehicles, or limited-time missions. And with the huge Valentine’s Day update, they offer those who visit the game’s gambling hub a huge boost.

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How to Get GTA 5 Diamond Casino Heist Diamonds?

How To Get The Most Money In Casino Heist Movie

The Diamond Casino Heist is one of the most challenging heists in GTA Online. To get your hands on millions of dollars worth of GTA 5 Diamond Casino Heist diamonds payout is not an easy feat.

Many YouTubers have allegedly come up with guides on how to “force” diamonds to be included in the loot. But unfortunately, it's not the case here. There has never been a guarantee that you would find diamonds inside the vault, even after completing the mission inside out.

The only case where Rockstar ensured it was on the February 13 update. Rockstar ensured that diamonds would be included in every single Casino Heist for players who had not completed it.

Therefore, the first time players complete the Heist, they will receive diamonds worth a whopping $3 million. However, do get your hope up yet. This is only a limited-time event, which means it's not always available.

The first time diamonds were available as loot in the Diamond Casino Heist was between February 13 to February 20. Then Rockstar enabled it again in the game’s March 18 update.

This guide will be more of a preparation for the future. Get your team read and start your heist as soon as the diamonds re-appear!

GTA 5 Casino Heist How To Get Diamonds?

The first and foremost requirement is that you must have never completed the heist before. Your very first attempt at the Diamond Casino Heist will have more diamonds instead of the cash, gold, and artwork options. If you and your team can get out alive, you're looking at over $3 million payouts.


On the other hand, if you have completed the heist before, it's still possible to get your hands on the mega payout. The chance is slim, but it's there.

GTA YouTuber MrBossFTW demonstrated how players can trigger the diamonds to spawn. However, you will have to complete the heist all three of the robbery options: Stealthy, The Big Con, and Aggressive.


By completing each of these options, you have the chance to cancel a heist by calling Lester in case you don’t get what you want in the vault. It’ll cost $25,000 each time you cancel (set-up fee), but it's a tiny amount compared to the lucrative diamonds.

Of course, this will be a case of trial and error. Nothing is guaranteed here. It might take a few tries to trigger the diamonds again, but you can also grab them on the second attempt.

Give your best shot to earn these diamonds as soon as Rockstar Games make them available again.

Can You Still Acquire Diamonds from the Diamond Casino and Resort Heist?

Unfortunately, the answer is no. As we have mentioned previously, the GTA 5 Online Diamond Casino Heist diamonds only resurface once every while in limited-time events. And since the last time (March 18th, 2020), there have been no signs of the diamonds coming back again.

As of now, in March 2021, you can not acquire diamonds as loot from the Diamond Casino Heist. Wait patiently and we're certain that they will come back soon enough.

How To Get The Most Money In The Casino Heist

That's everything you need to know about GTA 5 Diamond Casino Heist Diamonds. Though they are not available to grab in the game right now, you're still looking at a whopping $2.1 million payout from the heist. In case you want to have those shiny jewels, wait for the next time Rockstar Games enables them. For more guides, tips, and tricks on GTA Online, visit our website at

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