How To Earn Money Tapporo App

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They say nothing is free - we disagree! Earn prizes and $$$ with Tapporo on iOS/Android by watching videos, downloading free apps and more! MintCoins is the easiest and best money making app on the android market. In “ MintCoins ” you get paid for completing simple FREE tasks such as downloading a FREE app, watching an ad, completing a survey etc. There are many many offers you can earn from AND all your earnings will be credited directly to. Code: TAPBW23690With this app, making money is easy on any android device. Just download an app and run it. That's all you need t.

This app struck me as unusual right from the very beginning. But at the same time, it looked like it had the definite potential to earn me some cash! But can you really make money with the Tapporo App?

This is what I was determined to figure out as I downloaded it and prepared to give it a try. I’m all about the side-hustle mentality.

Nowadays, you need some extra cash coming in to stay afloat. And contrary to what many people might think, there are actually a lot of apps out there that claim to help you earn extra cash.

In fact, that was how I stumbled across the Tapporo App.

But not all apps are equal. And to be super honest, not many of them are worth the time. I’ve tested a lot of apps, and only a handful have proven good enough to earn a spot on my phone—and even then, only as a test run.

But will Tapporo give me what I’ve been missing? Here is what I found out!

Table of Contents

  • Making Money With The Tapporo App
  • The Tapporo App Review

Making Money With The Tapporo App

The first thing that we need to talk about is the Tapporo app itself. After all, we need to know how the app works before we know whether it is a good way to earn.

What Exactly Is The Tapporo App?

Here is the Google Play listing for the app itself.

As you can see, it has been downloaded about 500,000 times, and has a Google Play rating of 4.0 stars.

That’s not bad… but it doesn’t tell us everything we need to know.

The tagline description for the app reads as follows…

“Earn Rewards from your mobile device – Easy and free to join!”

I was pretty excited to see what kinds of rewards I could earn, so I opened it up and got started.

Here’s what I found.

Opening The Tapporo App And Taking A Look Around

This is the first screen that I came to after opening up the app.

Here, there were several pages that you could scroll through to learn more. Here is what I found on all of these pages, summarized into points…

  1. Be rewarded, anytime, anywhere
  2. Discover exciting brands: Earn ORO coins
  3. Pick your rewards (gift cards, PayPal, etc.)
  4. Share the experience: Earn from every friend who signs up!

This was pretty much what I learned… which sounds about right. This app seems to be in that category of apps that give you offers that you can fulfill in exchange for rewards. These offers are usually to download apps, watch videos, sign up for free trials, etc.

Obviously, I didn’t quite know what this app was offering yet—but this seemed to be the general direction and category that the app was headed toward.

I clicked the ‘Get Started' button next, to move on to the next page. This brought me to a sign-up screen, where I could either input my information or use my Facebook Login, so I chose to use Facebook.

After a brief loading screen and a permissions page, I was kicked back to the sign-in screen… which seemed weird to me. So I tried it again, and this time got a loading screen that said ‘Registering’.

But then it went through… and I ended up at the main hub of the app.

Next, I decided to look around here, just to see what I could find.

Trying Out The Tapporo App For The First Time

To get started, I wanted to try out the app by looking at the offers. So I clicked on the ‘offers’ button, and was taken to a page that looked like this…

I clicked on the top option, which said ‘Tapporo Offers,’ and was then directed to a screen where there were quite a few offers available that I could take part in.

At this point, however, I had to close out the screen for a few minutes, because I had to get up and go do something… and when I came back and tried to access the app again, I was unable to view the offers, and the app told me that I had some kind of connection issue.

But after closing the app out and starting again, I was able to access it. Here is what this particular page looked like…

As you can see, there were a variety of different types of offers that I could take part in. I could sign up for stuff, take a survey, Tweet about the app, create a video review, etc.

The variety of different types of offers here was quite impressive, actually. I will be the first to say that it has been a long time since I have seen an app like this give options for offers that were as diverse as this. Other offers apps, like Harris Panel, Instant Rewards and Toluna tend to have fewer choices.

This part of it was quite cool, really.

I will also say that, at this point, I was liking how the app looked. The layout was classy-looking to me—which was nice.

I was now able to see exactly how many points could be earned, and I did some quick calculations. If I used the app for a week straight, I figured that I could pretty easily make 500 points a day with it… without spending a ton of extra time. This would equate to about 3,500 points a week.

But I didn’t know how points converted into real money. Could this be a feasible number of points that would make spending time on the app worth the money?

I wasn’t sure, so that’s what I wanted to find out next.

Figuring Out How Much Tapporo Points Are Worth

To figure this out, I visited the ‘Store’ icon, located near the bottom of the screen in the main hub. This took me to a screen that seemed to give me options for rewards. I clicked on the Amazon Gift Card option, and was taken to this screen.

As you can see, it takes 5000 points to equal a $5 Amazon Gift card, which basically means that every 1,000 points is worth $1. By this, I could calculate that I could earn about $3.50 per week on the app if I used it for about an hour (or even a bit less) each day.

This doesn’t come out to a very good hourly rate (5-7 hours of work for $3.50 in rewards, or close to that), but this is a common thing with apps like this. And to be fair, this isn’t different from what most apps in this category offer.

This is a common downside to this type of app. But… a strong upside to it is that it would allow you to earn money this way virtually anywhere; during a commute, while waiting in line, while sitting at the airport, etc.

The flexibility is where the magic is, because this allows you to monetize your downtime (at least… $3.50-worth on a weekly basis). Also, keep in mind that some people might be able to earn more than this… but this is just what I calculated that I could probably earn if I utilized my downtime.

What Do The Google Play Reviews Say?

The Google Play rating for this app is good… but the reviews… they were not quite as good. The most recent reviews all seemed to point to two major problems with Tapporo…

  1. Glitches often keep people from using the app at its full potential
  2. Sometimes, the payouts seem to either take a really long time, or fail to go through

There were actually quite a few reports of people not receiving their gift cards and payouts with this app, which alarmed me a bit. There are usually always a few of these types of reports floating around, and they can often be attributed, at least in part, to user error.

But I really seemed to find a disproportionate amount of them in the reviews for this app (If you are in doubt, you should check out the Google Play reviews for the Tapporo App yourself, just to see what you think. You might find something I missed that would explain this!).

Will I Be Keeping The Tapporo App Installed On My Personal Phone?

Make no mistake, this app had its merits—but unfortunately, not enough of them to impress me. I feel that you could make some consistent extra cash with it, but there were really two major issues that kept me from being able to get excited about it.

  1. The perceived low per-hour cash return for your effort
  2. The negative reviews about payouts not working right

There are a ton of these types of apps out there, and most of them have no payout problems. I am not saying that you will have payout problems if you use this app, but the Google Reviews really seemed to stress this point as a negative—and that makes me worry.

Sorry Tapporo, but I don’t feel like we are going to have much of a future together. The app works pretty well and does a lot of things right… but it just doesn’t stand out enough to grab and hold my attention, personally.

Our Final Thoughts About The Tapporo App

Should you download it and use it on your phone?

The Tapporo App Review

Income Opportunity

Honestly, when you calculate the time spent trying to make money with apps, it rarely works out to be more than a few dollars per hour. Most of the time, you'll only make a few dollars per month. Personally, I think my time is worth more than that!

That's why in 2010 I learned how to make my own affiliate website and earn money through online advertising. Now I do it full time, and I can show you the exact steps I took to do it.

The same training I used is currently open to new members. My advice is to invest your time into build a long term online business with income you can rely on, rather than playing with mobile apps in your free time.

User Rating: 1.45( 1 votes)
How to earn money tapporo app store

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Thanks for checking out my review of the rewards App Tapporo.

Tapporo is an online platform designed to allow its members to earn redeemable points by completing quick tasks in their spare time.

Each available task on the App is easy and straightforward. Members can earn points by downloading apps, watching interesting videos that each member can select, and completing surveys.

But how much can you earn, and is it really worth your time? This is what I will be finding out. First however let’s get started by finding out how things work.

How Tapporo Works

Tapporo is easy to use on your mobile device, you simply download the app at the Tapporo website, and it is completely free.

Once you download the app on your mobile device, you can start completing tasks in order to gain points.

On this platform, points are called Oros, from the Spanish word “oro”, which means gold.

These points will later be converted to dollars and you can withdraw your earnings when you reach $5.

Your earnings can be collected as gift cards for popular retailers such as Amazon, Facebook, and games stores. The type of rewards that you can get varies according to the type of device that you use.

On some you may be able to collect PayPal cash while on others you can collect merchandise.

How Much Can You Earn With Tapporo?

There are almost always tasks available on the app. This means that your earnings aren’t limited by a lack of earning opportunities.

The conversion rate for points is similar to that on other rewards sites, 1000 points on this site are equivalent to a dollar.

Surveys pay on average around 500 points but it depends upon the length of survey.

Whenever you refer people to the site, you will earn $0.60 and they will earn $0.20. If you refer 3 people every week you’ll earn $1.80. Along with other tasks, you could potentially be able to earn $5 a week.

If you are willing to use your credit card, you can earn more on the site by completing offers. These offers usually require you to enter your credit card information.

You can try lots of stuff for free, usually for 14 days or even up to 30 days. if you don’t want to get charged for trial offers, you must remember cancel before the trial is up. These offers pay the most on the platform.

What Are The Pros?

  • The platform is intuitive so you can immediately start earning once you download the app.
  • The tasks are quick and fun, so you can do several in half an hour.
  • This site has a referral program, so if people you know join via your referral link, you’ll earn points.
  • You also earn points by watching interesting videos, so you can relax and earn money at the same time.

What Are The Cons?

  • Downloading apps takes up space on your phone. This means that every now and then you’ll have to delete the apps that you aren’t using often, in order to make space for new and interesting ones.
  • If you have an iPhone, the offers that are available to you will be different from those that are provided for someone who has an Android device. This also applies to the type of rewards that you can gain. Some phone models will give you access to merchandise and PayPal cash, while others may only allow you to gain gift cards and PayPal cash.

By the way, if you enjoy getting free rewards then you should check out my highest rated reward site. Swagbucks pays out 7000 gift cards to its members every day for doing simple tasks. Find out how much you can earn by following this link

Some Final Thoughts

Tapporo is a convenient option for people who want make a little extra money but don’t have the time to set up something complex. You can start earning in minutes.

You don’t need any cash to start earning since the platform is completely free to use. You can earn cash, merchandise, or gift cards for several popular stores online and enjoy things that you like.

How To Earn Money In India

If you wish your gift cards can be traded on other platforms for cash. This cash can be used to start you off with other ventures that can help you to earn even more money.

You can you use the app on the go so you don’t have to be in a specific location in order to earn a little extra cash. If you are looking for a flexible way to earn money online and only have a few minutes each day to earn you can give this platform a try.

Star Rating 3/5-A decent reward platform for earning a little extra on the side.

My Top Rated Platform

Reward sites are only designed for those who want to earn a little extra either from home or on the go.

If you want to earn something more substantial, then you need to apply yourself to something that has a much greater potential to create a long term sustainable income.

My number one recommended platform will teach you how to create a real online business that could provide a steady income for years to come.

It will take some effort on your part, it isn’t a get rich quick scheme.. However, the platform will provide all the tools and resources to enable you to build a solid business.

Over 2 million people have already joined the platform since it opened its doors in 2005. Since then it has helped many thousands of people with no previous experience create very successful online businesses.

How To Earn Money Best App

Find out how you can start an online website business today

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