Casino Cups I Want Money

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In the battle between casino and gambler, the house has a way of getting the most out of everyone who walks through the door. Throughout history, one of the many things casinos have learned is that the more people bet, the more they’re going to lose.

With that in mind, a number of tactics have been put in place to “encourage” patrons to keep gambling, regardless of what his or her bankroll looks like.

In this article, I’ll lay out the top seven ways that casinos try to get more betting money out of you.

Oct 22, 2011 If gamblers only played blackjack, mini-baccarat, pai-gow poker, live poker, the sports book, and bingo, they’d lose a lot less money. Those are games with a house edge of less than 3 percent. Casino deposit methods to deposit & withdraw your money quickly and easily at online casinos. Including wire transfer, credit, Neteller, click2pay & more.

1 – Making You Use Chips

Before I get into this one, I want to make it clear that there are several reasons to use chips other than the fact that it will get you to spend more. Transferring cash into chips simply makes the gambling process much easier for everyone.

However, the concept of casinos using something else besides real money to gamble has always been a focus. For example, many casinos today offer “gaming cards” that allow players to load money before they start playing. This puts yet another degree of separation between gamblers and their actual cash, and makes the games feel like they don’t have actual financial consequences.

You might be a bit more hesitant to double down on your semi-decent blackjack hand if you were putting actual $50 bills on the table and not just a small stack of chips.

Because of the obvious reasons that chips (instead of real money) make the entire operation run smoother, I can’t criticize the casino for doing it. The real message is to just be aware that those little pieces of clay have actual value and need to be treated as such, which often is not the case.

2 – This One’s on the House

You know that person who seems to make more rational decisions when they’re under the influence of alcohol? I didn’t think so.

Casinos know that players who have a “cautious” approach to gambling can be loosened up with a little bit of liquid courage. And I would be remiss if I failed to mention that players are usually more than willing to be loosened up. The casino is a place where good times should be had, after all.

Now, I don’t want to make it sound like casinos are pouring drinks down gamblers’ throats (although they probably would if they could), but there is an undeniable push toward having a few drinks while playing.

Obviously the best way to combat playing while intoxicated would be to simply abstain from alcohol. A more realistic approach is simply to take it slow.

The easiest way I’ve fought the urge to take up the casino on their offer for free drinks is to keep a drink in my hand at all times, but not drink it. Chances are, if you have a full cup, waitstaff will leave you alone for the most part.

3 – A Lack of Clocks

Nothing brings you back to reality like checking the time and noticing you’ve been at the same blackjack table for two and half hours. Because of this, casinos make you do all the work when it comes to checking the time.


Perhaps this one predates modern society as nearly everyone has a phone and access to watch, something that wasn’t always the case a hundred or more years ago. With that being said, the noticeable lack of clocks on the casino floor can make it easy to forget how much time you’ve spent gambling.

When you enter a casino, always take note of what time you start playing. It’s critical to take breaks on a regular basis. A break every half-hour is best, but every hour is okay, too. Remember to step away from the table, slot machine, roulette wheel, etc.

Most people are aware of the clock-less nature of casinos, so wear a watch or set a timer on your phone to remind you that breaks are necessary. Just be sure that you put the alarm on vibrate as you don’t want to disturb others who might be playing around you.

4 – Game Location

You may have heard that grocery stores place products in a thoughtful way so that you have to pass aisles and aisles of product before reaching the essentials you came for. Casinos share this same philosophy when laying out the floor.

When it comes to designing a functioning gaming floor, the goal has always been to create a labyrinth-like setup so that you’re forced to walk by as many potential playing options as possible. The concept of a “path” to anywhere can seldom be found in a casino.

If you’re walking to the bathroom, looking to get food, or even just to play another game, the house wants you to be exposed to more potential playing options. As you walk by, you might even think you hear that slot machine saying, “Come on, just put in a couple bucks and see what happens.”

5 – Celebration!

If you’ve ever been in a casino when someone hits a big win playing real money slots, you’ll likely recall the raucous celebration that takes place in the moments shortly thereafter.

These celebrations are not just for fun, in fact, there is something else at play when it comes to the lights and sounds that accompany hitting the jackpot.

The fanfare that happens following a slot machine win acts as an advertisement to everyone on the floor. It’s a subtle, or not-so-subtle, reminder that the machines do occasionally help some players hit it big. This can give people who were on the fence a nudge in the direction of throwing a few coins into the machine.

Casino Cups I Want Money

Don’t get me wrong, people do win jackpots regularly at casinos, but rarely do you hear anything about the 95% of people who walk away without any winnings.

Other celebrations, such as at table games with higher stakes, serve the same purpose. Sometimes, all it takes to get people to gamble more is seeing that it is indeed possible to walk away with a huge win.

6 – Loyalty Programs

Nearly every casino out there has some type of rewards program that gives players kickbacks for their frequent patronage. Many of these casinos actually require that you sign up in order to play.

It could probably go without saying, but there’s a reason casinos have implemented these programs, and it’s not out of the kindness of their heart. Gaming establishments know that if you earn points for playing, it’s only going to encourage you to play more.

Despite the fact that the loyalty cards are ultimately self-serving to the house, I would still recommend taking advantage of casino comps. Just do it with the knowledge that if you lose $500 and are rewarded with a free dinner, you’re still paying for that dinner one way or another.

Always make sure you read over the specifics of any loyalty program before signing up. Not that they’re necessarily deceiving, but you should know what you’re getting when you join.

7 – High ATM Fees

Anyone who has used an ATM at a casino knows that there are often higher withdrawal fees than just about anywhere else. Are they really that desperate that they need your extra $5?

The answer to why fees are so high is actually something a little more psychological. The reasoning behind it is that if you’re going to pay a higher fee, you might as well withdraw more money at one time.

For example, if you originally wanted to withdraw $50 but have a $5 fee attached, you might recognize that you’re paying an extra 10%. If you instead withdrawal $100, now you’re only paying 5%, and so on.

The bottom line is that you want to avoid ATM fees, so be extra sure to withdraw all the money you’ll need for your gambling bankroll that day so you don’t have to go back and pay the fee again. This can lead to players taking out slightly more than they had originally anticipated in order to avoid repeating the process.

If you’re one of those players who is planning on betting all the cash that you have, recognize that paying $10 for two ATM trips isn’t the end of the world if it saves you from withdrawing a huge amount.

Casino Cups I Want Money Quotes


Despite the fact that it might seem like casinos are using sneaky tactics to get every last dollar out of you, I choose to look at it as all part of the game.

As long as you’re aware of what’s going on, you can make the best decision for your individual situation. Just like you, casinos are there to make money and will do whatever they can to maximize profits.

How to make money at casino is a common question these days and if you are looking for an answer to this question look no further. It’s very easy to find a good casino site these days, but it’s not that easy to develop a good strategy that can help you minimize risk and maximize profit.

In any case, it is possible to make money at casino, but you just need a good plan and discipline to stick to it. While it’s true that many of the casino games offered there are games of chance, it’s also true that there are good and bad players.

If you are a fan of casino games and you want to join a casino site, then you should spend some time learning more about the best ways to make money at the casino. You can use this article to learn:

  • How to play as well-informed players
  • How to make the best decisions
  • How to avoid unnecessary risks

So, do you want to learn the best ways to make money at the casino? We will highlight a few proven ways that can help you.

1. Select Casino Games with the Best Odds

First and foremost, you should know that not all casino games have equal odds. As a matter of fact, some of them have much better odds than others. For instance, online slot games have some of the worst odds you can find in this industry.

On the other hand, there are a few casino games with excellent odds. First of all, there’s blackjack, a card game with average odds that go below 1%. This is a simple game where you have to defeat the dealer, not other hands and a game that doesn’t require the development of a special strategy.

We should also mention craps as a game with good odds. If you play craps you can expect a 50-50 chance of winning a turn in this game where you are betting on a dice roll. Finally, we have roulette. This is a very popular casino game which comes in a few different versions. Regardless of the version, you have betting options like odds or even or black or red where you have 50-50 chance of winning.


As you can see, if you want to make money at casino, you have to get familiar with the odds. Of course, this is not the only thing that determines your success.

  • Check the odds of each casino game before playing it
  • Analyze the betting options you have in some casino games
  • Play very safe at the beginning

2. Choose Online Casinos with the Best Payout

Obviously, the online casino you’ve selected has an impact on your success as a player too. So, it’s wise to opt for online casinos with the best payouts. By best payouts, we mean fast payouts even for high prizes. The same goes for the percentage of player bets returned in the form of winnings after a certain period of time. This percentage is also known as average percentage payout.

There are independent bodies that are investigating these numbers. What you should remember is that in order to claim that they have the best payouts, the casino must showcase a payout rate of 95%. In some cases, online casinos have payout rates of almost 98%. Do some research and find a casino site that promises payouts close to these numbers.

  • Look for an online casino with a payout rate above 95%
  • Use online casinos with fast payouts
  • Join a licensed casino

3. Choose a Casino Site with a Generous Bonus Offer

One of the main reasons why online casinos have become so popular these days is the fact that most of them have exceptional bonus offers. Every guide that talks about how to make money at casino should mention the bonuses as one of the ways to do this. In other words, players should use casino bonus money whenever they can.

It’s good to know that there are different kinds of bonuses out there. For instance, there is a welcome bonus for new players and there’s a loyalty bonus for regular players. Read more about these bonuses before you use them. Another thing that is very important is to select an online casino which doesn’t have impossible wagering requirements.

A rollover of up to 50 times should be your higher limit. The best online casinos have rollover requirements of 20 or 25 times. Additionally, you can get a no deposit bonus which doesn’t come with absolutely no risk for your money. Take some time, conduct research and find the casinos with the most generous bonus offers.

  • Select an online casino with a good welcome and regular bonuses
  • Watch out for the wagering requirements
  • Learn more about the different kinds of casino bonuses

4. Select Low Variance Casino Games

Some players may be sad to hear that less volatile casino games are usually the more lucrative games. There are players may argue that high volatility casino games are more exciting, but you have to decide what’s more important to you – to have fun or to make money at casino. Of course, low variance casino games can provide both. Basically, you should look for a game that requires a longer period to win a prize, but it also requires lower wagers.

Of course, if you are interested in winning huge jackpot prizes and you can afford to lose more money in a short period of time, you can choose high variance games like online slots, video poker, bingo, and keno. On the other hand, table games like Pai Gow poker are casino games that are considered low variance games. Don’t forget that in some cases, players have a direct impact on variance because sometimes it all depends on their gaming style.

  • Stick to low variance casino games for long-term earnings
  • Table games promise solid returns
  • Avoid side bets and play conservative

5. Set Up a Budget

Joining a casino site and playing casino games takes just a few minutes. This is one of the advantages of playing online, but this doesn’t mean that you should do that right away. On the contrary, according to many experts, it’s always a smart move to set up a budget first.

Every casino player must know his limits before they invest their money in casino games. Money management is probably not the first thing that comes to your mind when someone mentions poker, blackjack or slots, but the fact is that if you want to make money at casino then you have to create a budget.

Obviously, you should never play with money you need to pay your bills or cover your everyday needs. As the old saying goes – play with money that you can afford to lose. Don’t forget that online casinos are available 24/7 and there’s no need to be in a hurry when visiting these sites.

  • Determine your financial limits
  • Don’t play with money that you can’t afford to lose
  • Be realistic

6. Learn More about the Games you are Playing

One of the things that make casino sites so exciting and popular is that you can get access to hundreds of games. Of course, not all of these games are different and there are a few categories of games you can choose from like table games, card games, dice games, electronic games, a game of chance and more. But what’s known for sure is that each of them has specific sets of rules.

So, before you start playing on a casino site, make sure that you understand the basics of the game you are interested in. It would be even better if you spend some time reading guides that can help master that game. Usually, it takes some practice and theoretical knowledge to master a game. It’s also worth mentioning that some games are better than the others when it comes to learning.

For example, we can’t compare a classic slot game where you only have to push a button and Texas Holdem where people can apply a myriad of strategies and tactics. Another good advice related to casino games and learning these games is to play one or two different types of games at once. If you are playing three or more different casino games a day, you can become confused easily.

  • Master a game you like
  • Stick to one or two casino games at a time
  • Choose a casino site which offers a variety of games

7. Know when to Stop

No one likes to be called a quitter, but there are times when you are playing casino games when you simply have to stop. The only reason why experienced players recommend this is the fact that you have more than your pride to lose here – you can lose all your money. But, what’s even more important is to understand that you have to stop even when you are winning. Many players have a specific time of the day when they are playing for a certain period of time.

It’s easy to get carried away and try to double or quadruple your earnings, but there’s no reason to test your luck because it will eventually fail you. In addition, you should never chase your losses or cover your lost bets. As we said before, a good casino player has a strategy and a plan and has to stick to it if he wants to make money at casino.

  • Limit your gambling activities
  • Don’t chase losses
  • Don’t try your luck

8. Use the Chance to Play for Free

If you visit a land-based casino, you have to place a bet in order to play. But, the situation is different when it comes to online casinos. Namely, most of these websites are offering free play sessions for their most popular games. This means that you don’t have to invest any of your money to play a game there.

Obviously, this also means that you won’t be able to earn money, but you should look at this as a way to earn money in online casinos in the long run. By becoming familiar with the game you want to play, you will have an opportunity to master it. You can try all of its features and use different betting options and see how they work for you. Spend some time using these casino games for free before you invest actual money.

  • Play for free in online casinos that offer free play sessions
  • In this way, you will get familiar with the gameplay
  • You can find many casino sites with offers like this

9. Choose an Online Casino with no Hidden Fees

In order to start playing casino games in an online casino, you have to place a deposit. In addition, once you want to withdraw your earnings you will have to pick a payment method. Generally speaking, all the online casinos have a few payment methods available for their players. But, what’s different in some of them is the fees. Most online casinos don’t charge fees on deposits, but the situation can be a little bit different when it comes to withdrawals.

The first thing that you should do is to check these fees. A reliable online casino should list these fees on a visible place. In the end, you should not notice any hidden fees in your balance. While you are there, you should also check the withdrawal procedure. Are you able to withdraw your earnings more than once per week? Are there any minimum or maximum amounts that you can withdraw?

  • Reliable online casinos don’t charge hidden fees
  • Look for online casinos with high maximum withdrawal amounts
  • Select online casinos with a good background

10. Don’t Stick to One Casino Site

If you want to make money at casino, this doesn’t mean that you have to stick to one casino site. Online casinos are not like land-based casinos and you can switch to another casino in a matter of seconds. The best casino players out there are members of two or more casino sites.

The truth is that many casino sites in the last few years have developed decent loyalty schemes with competitive points that make their use more attractive. However, this doesn’t mean that you should not join other casino sites. If you have an interest in a specific game, try to find an online casino that has special offers and deals focused on that casino game. Almost all the casinos have temporary bonus offers and using them can bring you a lot of benefits.

Casino Cups I Want Money Back

We should also mention that many online casinos have special offers for regular players that have stopped visiting their site regularly. They will try to keep your on their website by providing special deals.

  • Shop around and don’t stay in just one online casino
  • Look for special deals and offers
  • Use both welcome and loyalty bonuses

11. Choose Games with Smaller Jackpots

There are many casino games like slot games, roulette, and keno where you can find amazing jackpots. In some cases, these jackpots are worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. But, if you are interested in finding a way to win a jackpot like this, you will realize that you will realize that the odds of winning are extremely low. But, it doesn’t have to be like that.

When a player chooses a game with a smaller jackpot, the chances of winning are higher. This is a low variance jackpot game which is awarded more frequently. Of course, you can still place very small bets on games with impressive jackpot (progressive jackpot) prizes, but don’t hope too much.

Casino Cups I Want Money Youtube

  • Play safe for big progressive jackpots
  • Choose small jackpots over big ones
  • Calculate the winning odds

12. Stop Playing when you have a Problem

Finally, there are times when people are noticing that they have problems when it comes to gambling. They are becoming compulsive gamblers that are desperately trying to win high amounts of money. The easiest way to spot this trend is to analyze yourself.

Casino Cups I Want Money Now

Do you play casino games on a daily basis for more than a few hours? Do you feel dissatisfied when you are playing? If the answers to these questions are affirmative, then maybe it’s time to stop and look for help.

It’s always a smart move to read books and literature focused on problem gambling if you are planning on making money from this interesting activity. Learning more about this behavior can save you a lot of money, time and energy.

Casino Cups I Want Money Now

  • Stop if you have noticed the first signs of problem gambling
  • Read literature that can help you in situations like this
  • Consult an expert in this field and look for help

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